Chicago iPhone Launch
Monday, July 2nd, 2007While hanging out in Chicago this past Friday, I decided to check out the line at the Michigan Avenue Apple Store in anticipation of the dramatic 6pm launch of the iPhone. It was nuts: cops on Segways, restaurants handing out free food, and a line that stretched around the entire block.
I tried taking a few pictures on my crappy cellphone, but realized that I could probably get better results from the iSight in my MacBook Pro. So I ended up walking around, holding my machine up and attempting to capture the general pandemonium.
Around 6:15, I went across the street to a Starbucks to see what kind of stuff I’d managed to get, and quickly spliced it together into a little video in iMovie.
When I came out, everyone in line had already gotten phones, and I could finally wander into the store to try out some of the demo units on display.
I guess my thoughts echo those of most reviews. Really nice flashy interface, and my few minutes of trying to type ‘’ into the touch screen made me want to destroy it.